About John Kehoe

Having earned worldwide recognition for his work, John is an energetic teacher, a best-selling author, a socially conscious human, and a believer in your ability to transform your future with your thoughts. Refusing to rest on his past achievements, John continues to reach new heights within his study of consciousness and the power of the mind.

Awe Walk: How to Reduce Stress & Anxiety with a Walk in Nature

An awe walk is a powerful technique to access the transformative feeling of awe. Awe is similar to wonder. It happens when you see a stunning sunset or gaze at the sky full of stars. It’s amazing and sometimes overwhelming. You can’t believe you’re experiencing this. It often involves a deep appreciation for the beauty and mystery of life. A connection to something greater than oneself. Unfortunately, only a few of us truly recognize and see the awe in our daily lives. We are usually too busy with our hectic lives and schedules to notice it. Our constant inner thoughts distract us from being fully aware of our present surroundings. Let’s have a look at how we can experience this most wonderful feeling. Let’s dive in. […]

Enjoy the Little Things: 5 Ways to Experience More Joy in Life

Figuring out how to enjoy the little things in life can feel increasingly difficult in a world that often feels like a whirlwind of constant motion and ever-increasing demands. The pursuit of big goals, extravagant experiences, and grand achievements can sometimes blind us to the true treasures that lie in the seemingly mundane. In this blog, we'll explore the art of savoring life's little pleasures, cultivating gratitude, and discovering the profound happiness that can be found in the everyday. Join me as we delve into the magic of learning how to enjoy the little things in life. Let's dive in! How To Enjoy The Little Things in Life 1. Focus On Being Grateful Every life has something to be grateful for. If we cannot find things to be thankful for, then the reason lies within us. Our inability to find joy or happiness in our lives doesn't suggest in the slightest that joy and happiness are not there. Rather, it suggests we need to look more carefully. It indicates that either we're not taking the time or that our perspective is too narrow and limited. There are thousands of enjoyable experiences available to us every day, and how many times have we actually given gratitude or thanks for these experiences? 2. Appreciate Everyday Experiences Appreciating everyday experiences is not about how good it feels to accomplish a major goal such as earning a million dollars, having your book make the best-seller list, or finishing a major project you've been working on for several months. While goals can bring happiness, discovering joy and happiness in our lives comes from appreciating very simple experiences, not from what you can purchase or possess. How many enjoyable experiences do we have in life? There are too many to even count. Consider everyday moments such as sunsets, walks in nature, drives in the country, romances, adventures, friendships, good meals, celebrations, stimulating conversations, and great songs. These experiences and many more like them are free. They don't cost anything, yet if we stop to savor them, we can truly enjoy the little things in our lives. 3. Embrace Simplicity There is an old Shaker hymn that begins, "'Tis a gift to be simple, 'Tis a gift to be free." Simplicity does bring freedom. But simplicity doesn't necessarily mean doing without or cutting back. True simplicity is internal, not external. It's an awareness that allows the ordinary to become extraordinary. Simplicity means needing less to be content. It means letting simple everyday experiences please us and bring us joy. We have many of these moments each day. These events may take a fraction of a second, but they are very real experiences of joy and wonder. They happen all the time, but usually, we ignore them, considering them mundane or purely coincidental. For example, it could be a song you hear on the radio, a piece of writing that inspires you, the sight of two elderly people holding hands, a bird hopping across your backyard, or [...]

How to Write Affirmations That Actually Work (+ 25 Examples)

Today, I want to delve into the fascinating world of affirmations and share valuable insights on how to write affirmations and practice them effectively. Affirmations are the easiest and simplest technique I know of to influence and affect how you think. Affirmations have been used for centuries throughout the world in such spiritual and magical practices as prayers and mantras. Now they are being used by people from all walks of life to close business deals, heal ailments, meet people, win tournaments, and in countless other applications. Affirmations are a powerful tool that can help you harness the immense potential of your mind, transform your beliefs, and manifest positive changes in your life. Let’s dive in. […]

4 Mind Power Techniques Everyone Should Use Daily

Mind Power techniques are based on one fundamental principle: "what you focus on, you attract". Having a successful life and achieving ambitious goals are skills that everyone can learn using Mind Power. Even though we are not consciously aware of it, we live in an immense energy web that responds to our thoughts, because our thoughts are energy. This realization has tremendous implications, which we can use to our advantage. You're about to discover 4 techniques issued from the Mind Power system that will help you focus and direct your thoughts and manifest your desired reality. The first technique I will teach you is visualization. 1. Visualization Visualization is a simple mental technique where you imagine achieving your goals over and over. With your eyes closed, you spend five minutes each day seeing yourself closing the deal, having the relationship, healing the illness—whatever the thing is that you wish to manifest. The key is to always visualize that you already have what you want. You don’t hope you’ll achieve it or build confidence that someday it will happen. No, with the visualization technique, you project yourself into a world where everything you want is already yours. Your conscious mind understands the images you create aren’t real, but the subconscious mind doesn’t. The subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate between actual experiences and imagined ones. And it will act upon the images you visualize whether they’re real or not. Countless celebrities and pro athletes have spoken about the power of visualizations and how they’ve helped them get to where they are: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, and Muhammad Ali, to only name a few. And if it worked for them, it will work for you. Because practicing Mind Power is understanding that what you focus on, you attract. 2. Affirmations Another powerful Mind Power technique is affirmations. Affirmations are phrases you repeat to yourself. Through repetition, your subconscious ends up accepting them as true - manifesting them into reality. Successful business people use them to close deals and run their businesses. Artists use them to be creative and come up with innovative ideas. You can use them too, in any area of your life. So what do you affirm? Anything that you want to happen. But beware, affirmations aren’t wishful thinking. When you affirm, you assume you already are and have what you wish to have or be. Thus, you must always phrase affirmations in the present tense. And as you repeat the affirmations, try to feel what it’s like, even for an instant, to experience their truth. For example, let’s say you’re recovering from a leg injury. You could repeat to yourself: “I have strong and healthy legs.” You would repeat the affirmation over and over again for several minutes each day. Why do affirmations work? They work because whatever you verbally repeat to yourself will influence your thoughts. Say to yourself, “I have strong and healthy legs,” and your mind will begin imagining strong and healthy legs. And soon enough, you’ll [...]

The Power of Visualization: 4 Steps to Achieve Any Goal

The power of visualization can be summarized in a few simple words: if you can imagine something, you can create it. Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool, capable of turning imagination into reality. And visualization is the key to unlock this potential. In this post, we’ll look at how you can use this power to manifest love, success and abundance. Let’s dive in. […]

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