About John Kehoe

Having earned worldwide recognition for his work, John is an energetic teacher, a best-selling author, a socially conscious human, and a believer in your ability to transform your future with your thoughts. Refusing to rest on his past achievements, John continues to reach new heights within his study of consciousness and the power of the mind.

Practice Makes Permanent

Practice makes permanent. We’ve all heard the expression “Practice makes perfect.” It’s a great quote but not accurate. Practice doesn’t make perfect but it makes us better at what we are practicing. We repeat an action over and over until it no longer requires effort or thought to do. It becomes a habit and creating good habits is one of the keys to success. […]

How to Remove Negative Thoughts From Your Subconscious Mind

You’re about to learn five powerful techniques to remove negative thoughts from your subconscious mind. These techniques will give you ways of dealing with the thoughts when they show up. Each technique is separate and independent from the other. But each is highly effective on its own or in combination with others, for eliminating negative thinking. Let’s jump right in with the first technique. […]

“Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind” – Chapter 1 “Mind Power”

“Life is an instrument and we must learn how to play it.” –Credo Mutwa. We live in extraordinary times, where science is revealing truths about the universe that are both startling and breathtaking. Our universe, it now appears, is a place where black holes swallow galaxies, subatomic particles interconnect with each other intuitively, past and future interchange with one another, and where space curves and warps around the physical objects contained within it. The most up to date findings of physics suggest that everything consists of vibrating strings of energy, and the dimension we perceive as space and time may well exist within a  multidimensional universe, perched on a giant membrane, side by side with other dimensions we have yet to discover. […]

Consciousness – Chapter 2 of “Mind Power Into the 21st Century”

  So think as if your every thought were to be etched in fire upon the       sky for all and everything to see, for so, in truth, it is. – Book of Mirdad If you think of your thoughts as a reality existing side by side with what we call “the physical reality,” you will be closer to understanding the unique relationship between the two. You are living simultaneously in two worlds, two realities: the inner reality of your thoughts, emotions and attitudes, and the outer reality of people, places, things and events. Because we fail to separate these Inner and Outer worlds, we allow ourselves to become dominated by the Outer world of appearances, and we use the Inner world solely as a “mirror” for whatever happens to us. Our Inner world reacts constantly, and because we spend all of our time simply reacting, we never experience our power. Ironically, you begin changing your reality the day, the hour, the minute you cease constantly reacting to it. Your inner consciousness is a powerful force whose influence is felt in every aspect of your life. It is, in fact, the major and most important part of who you are, and it is the main cause of your success or failure. […]

Another View of Reality – Chapter 1 of “Mind Power Into the 21st Century”

“There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of by mere mortal men.”   - Shakespeare To work with mind power you do not have to under­stand the laws of physics or how reality manifests itself, just as you don't have to un­derstand how a carburetor works or how spark plugs fire in order to drive a car. Few of us understand automotive me­chanics, but that doesn't stop us from driving. Likewise, in the science of mind power, anyone can quickly and success­ fully master the  basics and effectively put  them to work in his or her life. We begin by examining the nature of reality, especially the startling new discoveries in science over the last twenty years which have helped us to understand more clearly how the mind creates its own reality. These discoveries  explain why creating visualizations in our minds is not just idle daydream­ing, but is a creative process which helps us control and di­rect the same energies that hold matter together, change water into steam, or cause a seed to sprout and grow. Understanding the nature of these energies assists us in understanding the mind, and shows us why inspiration, prayer and intuition are not supernatural phenomenon at all, but follow patterns and laws which we can discover and use at our will. Like everything else in the known universe, the powers of the mind are governed by laws which, robbed of their scientific jargon and clearly presented, can be easily un­derstood by anyone. Let me take you on a short adventure into these new dis­coveries. Modern physics now sees the universe as a vast, insepara­ble web of dynamic activity. Not only is the universe alive and constantly changing, but everything in the universe af­fects everything else. At its most primary level, the universe seems to be whole and undifferentiated, a fathomless sea of energy that permeates every object and every act. It is all one. In short, scientists are now confirming what mystics, seers and occultists have been telling us for thousands of years­ we are not separate but part of one giant whole. "When a blade of grass is cut, the whole universe quivers."   - Ancient Upanishad saying Modern physics has changed our concept of the material world. Particles are no longer seen as consisting of any basic "stuff"; rather they are seen as bundles of energy. They may make sudden transitions, "quantum leaps," behaving at times like units, yet on other occasions like waves of pure energy. Reality is fluid. Nothing is fixed. Everything is part of a pat­ tern that is in constant motion; even a rock is a dance of en­ergy. The universe is dynamic and alive and we are in it and of it, dynamic and alive ourselves. THE UNIVERSE IS A GIANT HOLOGRAM The theories that enabled the development of the hologram were first formulated in 1947 by Dennis Gabor, who later won a Nobel Prize for his discovery. A hologram is an entity in which "the [...]

Understanding Our Dreams

Dreams are the intimate conversations we are having with our subconscious and our soul. Dreams can guide us when we take the time to interpret our dreams. I have been in dialogue with my dreams for many years and this unique relationship has deepened me over time. Often I don’t understand what my dreams are telling me but that doesn’t concern me. I know they are sharing something with me so I’m patient, not needing to have instant clarification. I know that all will be revealed in its own time. […]

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