
Before I discuss what faith is, it might be easier to begin by briefly discussing what it is not. Faith does not involve religious dogma, although some refer to their religion as “their faith.” Nor is it a blind acceptance of a set of rules and beliefs. Faith is something far beyond beliefs. Faith is a vibration of energy, and is probably the most powerful and yet most misunderstood energy that we have available to us as human beings. Faith comes from contemplation, experience and a willingness—no, more than a willingness—a personal quest to probe and understand the deeper workings of life and our relationship with it. Faith and personal growth go hand in hand, and if you are honest, sincere and diligent in following the path of personal discovery, you will encounter the power and possibility of faith. […]

The Path of the Ten Virtues – Part III

Continued from The Path of the Ten Virtues – Part II As we continue on the path of the ten virtues, I feel inclined to once again remind the reader that these are not spiritual or moral codes, but rather paths of energy that one explores by living and practicing them. They are of no value whatsoever as mere intellectual concepts. Their value can only be experienced by the individual who has the courage, curiosity and tenacity to live and practice them for a period of time—I suggest one month. If they have no value to you after practicing them for a month, then drop them and adopt practices that do have value for you. However, if you do find that they have immense value, as I have found they do, then incorporate them into your daily life as practices worthy of your time. […]

The Path of the Ten Virtues – Part II

Continued from – The Path of the Ten Virtues – Part I Last month I wrote about the path of the ten virtues being a path of energy. This is important to realize. If we think of these virtues as spiritual obligations, or as something one does to become a good person, then there is a resistance to them. Perhaps resistance is not the right word, but there is a reluctance or heaviness about doing them because it is just another set of obligations we are expected to meet in our already busy and overburdened life. Yet when we think of them as paths of energy, they become much more interesting. They cease being obligations and instead become a means by which we are nourished and uplifted. This is the point I’m trying to convey. You are the benefactor of traveling these paths of energy. […]

The Path of the Ten Virtues – Part I

In the next couple of months we will examine living a virtuous life and what it means to follow the path of the ten virtues. You might ask what does this have to do with Mind Power? The answer is simple and helps explain the fundamental law of being, namely: “All is energy”. Quantum Physics has now established that all physical reality, while appearing to be solid, is actually vibrating energy. So too in the study of Mind Power, you learn to create thoughts (which are also vibrating energy) in your conscious mind to influence and imprint on the subconscious mind, which in turn vibrates in the matrix to attract to you the people, events and circumstances you desire. Actually it is incredibly easy to understand; however not so easy to practice because of our natural inclination toward inertia and procrastination. Nevertheless, the methodology and path is there for anyone to pursue, and it has been used successfully by millions of people who follow this system. […]

The Mythic Titles of the Minds

We are made up of two minds not just one. One mind, it seems, is not enough for what nature and the universe have planned for us. How these two minds work together is best explained by examining the mythic titles each possesses. In my book ‘Quantum Warrior The Future of the Mind’ I have given each of our four parts mythic titles in order to best describe how they function within us. […]

Listen to Your Instincts, They Hold Your Destiny

It is a breakthrough in our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world to discover that our body has access to information beyond what the mind can understand. The body feels the world energetically. The body feels and the mind thinks; these are two different ways of obtaining information. When we rely only on the mind and our logic we close ourselves off to a huge source of information. […]

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