Figuring out how to enjoy the little things in life can feel increasingly difficult in a world that often feels like a whirlwind of constant motion and ever-increasing demands.

The pursuit of big goals, extravagant experiences, and grand achievements can sometimes blind us to the true treasures that lie in the seemingly mundane.

In this blog, we’ll explore the art of savoring life’s little pleasures, cultivating gratitude, and discovering the profound happiness that can be found in the everyday. Join me as we delve into the magic of learning how to enjoy the little things in life.

Let’s dive in!

Couple enjoying a picnic

How To Enjoy The Little Things in Life

1. Focus On Being Grateful

Every life has something to be grateful for. If we cannot find things to be thankful for, then the reason lies within us.

Our inability to find joy or happiness in our lives doesn’t suggest in the slightest that joy and happiness are not there.

Rather, it suggests we need to look more carefully. It indicates that either we’re not taking the time or that our perspective is too narrow and limited. There are thousands of enjoyable experiences available to us every day, and how many times have we actually given gratitude or thanks for these experiences?

2. Appreciate Everyday Experiences

Appreciating everyday experiences is not about how good it feels to accomplish a major goal such as earning a million dollars, having your book make the best-seller list, or finishing a major project you’ve been working on for several months.

While goals can bring happiness, discovering joy and happiness in our lives comes from appreciating very simple experiences, not from what you can purchase or possess. How many enjoyable experiences do we have in life? There are too many to even count.

Consider everyday moments such as sunsets, walks in nature, drives in the country, romances, adventures, friendships, good meals, celebrations, stimulating conversations, and great songs.

These experiences and many more like them are free. They don’t cost anything, yet if we stop to savor them, we can truly enjoy the little things in our lives.

3. Embrace Simplicity

There is an old Shaker hymn that begins, “‘Tis a gift to be simple, ‘Tis a gift to be free.” Simplicity does bring freedom. But simplicity doesn’t necessarily mean doing without or cutting back. True simplicity is internal, not external.

It’s an awareness that allows the ordinary to become extraordinary.

Simplicity means needing less to be content. It means letting simple everyday experiences please us and bring us joy. We have many of these moments each day.

These events may take a fraction of a second, but they are very real experiences of joy and wonder. They happen all the time, but usually, we ignore them, considering them mundane or purely coincidental.

For example, it could be a song you hear on the radio, a piece of writing that inspires you, the sight of two elderly people holding hands, a bird hopping across your backyard, or the sound of your children playing in the next room.

By embracing simplicity, we open ourselves up to the beauty and joy that exists within each moment. And in doing so, we learn how to truly enjoy the little things in life.

4. Look At The Bigger Perspective

It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of focusing on our problems, often overlooking the numerous blessings in our lives.

We grumble about what we think we’re missing, neglecting the simple daily pleasures that are always there. This can lead to feelings of deprivation, overwhelm, and stress.

In these moments, stepping back and seeing the bigger picture is essential. We must remind ourselves that each day is filled with pleasurable moments.

Once we recognize this, we can make a conscious decision to start acknowledging them. This helps us make the time to stop and enjoy the little things in life, transforming our overall perspective.

5. Appreciate The Present Moment

One of the best ways to enjoy the little things in life is to appreciate what is happening to us in life while it’s happening.

  • Maybe we don’t have everything we want. Few people do.
  • Maybe things could be better? Things can always be better.
  • Maybe we’ve got problems? There are always problems.

But that doesn’t stop us from enjoying the little things we have in life. The power of gratitude cannot truly be appreciated until you have practiced it regularly.

Father and daughter enjoying little things

What It Means To Enjoy The Little Things

Jim, an art director who did the layout of my book “The Practice of Happiness,” wanted to illustrate the stark reality of life in the city’s grittier corners years ago. He handed out disposable cameras to a dozen people living on the edges, asking them to document their lives.

What came back was a revelation.

Pictures revealed a toothless old man joyfully blowing out birthday candles, a passionate kiss between lovers, and friends preparing a meal. The images radiated dignity, joy, and life, not misery, as Jim had expected.

The realization that even those considered destitute could find beauty and joy in their lives was profound. No matter our circumstances, moments of beauty, joy, and inner dignity exist.

This truth was reinforced during a trip to India. In Jaipur, a man setting up his makeshift home on the sidewalk did so with serenity and pride. While he might have appeared homeless to Western eyes, he was at peace with himself and his situation.

It was evident in both situations that it’s not about the big things but rather learning how to enjoy the little things in life.

Old man grateful for the little things in life

The Importance of Enjoying the Little Things

The vibration of gratitude can change your life. Changes in our lives begin from within. When we consciously decide to be grateful for what we already have and enjoy the little things, we set in motion vibrations that attract more to us.

This is the magic of gratitude and enjoying the little things. When we have a grateful heart, it attracts more of whatever we give thanks for.

  • If we praise and give thanks for our health, greater health will come to us.
  • If we take the time to praise and give thanks for the ordinary moments of joy and happiness, even more of these moments will appear.

Gratitude not only multiples that which is praised, but it also increases the blessings in other areas of our lives as well.

And once you begin appreciating the little things in life, you’ll find yourself refreshed and nourished by this simple practice.


In our fast-paced, media-driven world, it’s easy to overlook the simple treasures in life. The key to enjoying the little things in life is to find beauty in simplicity and express gratitude for daily blessings.

Gratitude isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s a lifestyle that enables us to see the world anew, find magic in the mundane, and live contentedly.

By focusing on life’s little things, we enhance our well-being and spread positivity. The ripple effect of gratitude can foster a more compassionate world. So, take a moment to acknowledge the small joys and everyday miracles you’ve overlooked.

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Join my world-class Mind Power Training program to start changing your life by changing your thoughts. Your journey to joy and contentment starts with appreciating these little things–the true essence of our existence.