The six laws of the mind explain why our thoughts are so powerful and how we can creatively use them. They are the foundation of the Mind Power training I’ve taught hundreds of students over several decades.
Let’s dive in.
Law #1: Thoughts Are Real Forces
Thoughts are not meaningless. They don’t just happen within us and disappear. They are vibrations of energy, powerful vibrations of energy interacting with the energy web of all reality.
Every thought we think is a force of energy and affects our life—every thought. The average person does not fully realize the power their mind holds. And until they do, they are unlikely to be as successful as they can or should be.
And that’s what’s so exciting about working with the laws of the mind. We creatively work with our thoughts, knowing and understanding what we’re doing and the effects we will get because thoughts are real forces.
Law #2: Law of Transmission
The Law of Transmission states that the mind is a sending and receiving station of thought.
The thoughts that we think don’t remain within our minds. They are a form of energy that can be transmitted and received through the universal energy web that connects all things – creating causes and having effects, either in our own lives or in the lives of others.
Our subconscious acts as a catalyst, pulling circumstances, solutions to problems, insights, and inspiration that align with the patterns and vibrations we transmit through our thoughts and beliefs from an infinite pool of possibilities.
These are powerful forces that we’re working with! The thoughts that we think are not just internal mental processes, but rather they can have external effects on the world around us.
Law #3: Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction states that thoughts with emotion act like a magnet attracting similar and like thoughts. So any thought that we think with emotion becomes supercharged and will ultimately attract experiences and circumstances of matching energy into our lives.
Now, we must be cautious about negative emotions, like fear, worry, despair, hopelessness or any negative feelings. If we let them gain momentum, these thoughts can become emotionalized and create a self-fulfilling cycle.
So as soon as you become aware that you’re thinking those types of thoughts, change them into something else. This takes power away from them.
But the Law of Attraction also means we can use positive thoughts and strong desires—our will, love, or emotions—to create a corresponding reality. When you have a firm determination to succeed at something and use your willpower, you emotionalize it and attract similar thoughts, which the universe will respond to.
Want to learn how to apply the Laws of the Mind in your life? Whether you want more success, better health, or more fulfilling relationships, the Mind Power program will teach you exactly how to use your subconscious mind to manifest anything you want. In just 6 weeks. Access the first lesson of the course for free.
Law #4: Law of Control
The Law of Control states that we have the power and the ability to either entertain thoughts or dismiss them. Any negative thought persists in our mind because we allow it to be there.
It’s a lot like the old parable of the two monks on a journey.
They come to a river and, by this river, is a beautiful woman. The woman says to the monks: “Please, will one of you kind monks carry me over to the other side? The river is too wide. The current is too swift.” The two monks look at one another because they know they have taken a sacred vow never to touch a woman. But then, suddenly, the older monk bends down and picks up the woman. He takes her over to the other side and puts her down.
The monks then continue in silence—the younger monk stunned by what just happened. An hour goes by, and they do not say a word. Two hours pass. Three hours. Four hours. They walk in total silence until finally, the younger monk turns to the older monk and says: “How could you have done that? How could you have carried her?”
The older monk looks at him, surprised. He says: “Oh, are you still carrying her? I put her down four hours ago.”
We must ask ourselves: What are we carrying around inside us that we should have put down long ago? What grudges, disappointments, or failures are we hanging onto? How long are we going to carry this inside us? Our whole life?
Don’t let your mind think you. That’s what happens often. Our minds are thinking us, and we’re just waiting for the ride.
There’s an old saying: The mind is an outstanding servant but a terrible master. And it’s true!
What we do is learn to control and direct our thoughts. We choose the thoughts we think; equally important, we do not think the thoughts we don’t want. Because we have the power and the ability to either entertain thoughts or dismiss them.
Law #5: Law of Insertion
The Law of Insertion states we have the power and ability to insert any thought into our minds. We can choose what we think about and we can direct our attention to specific thoughts or ideas.
Every day, I think thoughts of happiness and inner peace. Every day, I think thoughts of health and abundance. Why? Well, why not? We can insert any thought of any type into our minds. Of course, I’m going to work with this law. And so can you! And you’re going to have great results with it.
This law is empowering because it suggests that, at any given time, we can choose to think any thought we like. And because thoughts are real forces, we have the power to change the circumstances we’re in by merely inserting new thoughts into our minds.
If you have difficulties inserting thoughts into your mind, remember the subconscious mind doesn’t communicate in words, but rather sounds, images, and feelings. So if you find it hard to think a specific thought, try using a corresponding visualization instead.
Law #6: Law of Connection
The final law is the Law of Connection. The Law of Connection states that the inner and outer worlds are connected. The inner world is the world of our thoughts. The outer world is the world of the circumstances and situations that happen to us.
What we think affects what happens to us. And because we can control and direct our thoughts, we can control and direct our life.
Think about that.
We have the power and the ability to insert any thought of any type into our minds. And the inner and the outer worlds are connected. These two laws give us a road map to everything we want and desire.
How to Use the Laws of the Mind
The six laws of the mind are powerful. And you’re going to have great success with them.
For best results, you should contemplate each of the six laws for at least a minute a day. Consider them your new mantras.
Right now, the laws of the mind are new, exciting concepts to you. But they’re only conceptual. Repeat them to yourself not once or twice but hundreds of times. You want to get to a point where they become a part of who you are, and you use them intuitively without even thinking about it. That’s where you’re going to see amazing results with them.