The power of faith is an undeniable energy force that has the ability to uplift and guide us, even during the most challenging times.

Faith is more than just belief. It is a powerful energy force. In fact, it is probably the most powerful and yet most misunderstood energy that we have available to us as human beings.

In this blog post, we will explore the role of faith, where it comes from, how it works, and the various things we can place our faith in to create a beautiful and exciting life.

The power of faith guiding a man wearing a blindfold

How the Power Faith Transforms Your Life

When you fully embrace faith in every part of your life, you’ll start to experience these shifts in your life:

1. Guidance and Insight

Faith is like a guide. When you navigate life with faith as your light, unencumbered by doubt and negative thoughts, your mind receives hunches, insights, and ideas that keep you on the right path. They help you take action and make decisions that lead to what you desire.

In short, one of the powers of faith is that it propels you into action. And once you start taking action, you begin to attract the people, circumstances, and opportunities you need to reach your desired outcomes.

Trust in this guidance and let it steer you toward the right opportunities.

2. The Power to Manifest

Your life is a reflection of the energy you put out into the world. In other words, you get what you have faith in. It’s something I’ve discussed at length on the blog and teach in the Mind Power course.

Thoughts repeated over and over imprint on the subconscious mind and bring forth things, people, and circumstances of a similar vibration. If I have faith in myself and my ability to create abundance, I will create abundance. But the opposite is also true. If I do not practice faith and repeat thoughts of doubt and scarcity, it is what I will get.

With faith, one comes to see the beauty, harmony, and truth of life. They become aware of how cause and effect resonate throughout it. They see clearly how our thoughts and actions produce results.

3. Clarity and Understanding

Faith gives you clarity about the choices you’ve made and the causes that have driven your destiny. It helps you make sense of your past and understand the forces that have shaped your journey.

When you look back on your life, you will begin to see the patterns in your life, understanding not just what happened, but why it happened. The meaning of past struggles and circumstances will become obvious.

With this understanding, you can navigate your present and future with a deeper sense of purpose and confidence, knowing that each step is part of a greater plan.

4. Personal Growth and Balance

Faith strengthens your connection to yourself and helps you tap into your inner wisdom. It balances your mind, body, and soul.

It provides the foundation for personal growth and inner peace. When you have faith, you are creative, energized, motivated, and capable of bringing your best self into everything you do. Unhindered.

Man connecting to the energy of faith on a mountain top

5. Resilience in Difficult Times

Faith provides you with a solid system you can lean on in your darkest hours. It is an incredibly powerful source of inner strength. No matter what you face, faith can be your guide. It gives you support and direction.

It’s not a flawless system, but it’s one that consistently serves you when you trust in it. When you rely on faith, you have a dependable foundation that gives you the courage and resilience to persevere through tough times.

6. Success

Faith opens the door to success in all areas of life.

I am 78 years old and when I look back at my life, the journey looks incredible. And yet, it has a weave and pattern to it that is unmistakable. I have achieved success beyond my wildest imagination in all parts of my life: my health, my finances, my career, my marriage, my spirituality, my creativity, and my love of travel and adventure.

From this reflective stance, looking back to my teenage years, I can see clearly not only what has happened, but why it happened—the causes and choices that propelled my destiny.

It was not luck or chance that created such an interesting life, but rather the natural unfolding of laws that I understood and applied.

Faith will allow you to achieve results beyond your expectations. Embrace it and you’ll begin to see the fruits of your efforts materialize in ways you never imagined.

7. Trust in the Unknown

We need faith to embrace the mysteries of life without needing to understand everything. You don’t need to know all the answers or understand the fine details of life’s intricacies in order to have enjoy or faith in it.

Faith opens up a world of possibilities. When you put your trust in the unknown and let go of the need for control, when you know that not everything needs to be figured out for things to work out, your reality gets filled with peace and comfort.

8. Connection to a Higher Power

Faith connects you to powers larger than yourself. Some call it God, others the universe or the Great Mystery.

We are all part of a grand, mysterious system that stretches far beyond our understanding. And faith gives us a sense of purpose and belonging in this greater system. When you have faith, you see your place in the vastness of life. You realize that you are both important and part of something far greater than yourself—an integral part of the great paradox that shapes existence.

Learn to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Harness the Power of Faith for Success and Inner Peace

I’ve spent decades studying and teaching how the mind works, and I’ve seen firsthand how the power of faith, when used intentionally, can create extraordinary results. You can learn to harness this power consciously.

Understanding the Power of Faith: What It Is and Where It Comes From

Faith comes from contemplation, experience, and a willingness—more like a personal quest—to probe and understand the deeper workings of life and our relationship with it.

You may use religion as a source of faith, if you choose, but only if, through study and contemplation, you can distill the wisdom from the dogma and arrive at a workable system that applies to all aspects of your life.

This cannot be a mere conceptual model; it must be one that has been tested in the fire of life and proven worthy of your trust and faith. It must produce noticeable results in your life – results that are so conclusive and consistent that there is little room for any doubt that your system works. And because it works, you can have faith in it.

Faith is more than mere confidence. Confidence comes from what you can see and experience. Faith also has the wisdom of our intuition, which draws upon the higher spiritual laws. Faith and personal growth go hand in hand, and if you are honest, sincere, and diligent in following the path of personal discovery, you will experience the power of faith.

I have faith in myself and faith in the inner and outer workings of the matrix. And this has come from contemplation, experience, and testing through trial and error to discover a system that produces consistent results in my life.

Note I say consistent results, not guaranteed results. This is not a flawless system that produces one hundred percent results each and every time (beware of systems that promise this). However, I have discovered a system of beliefs and actions that help me navigate through life in both good times and bad, and this is what you must do as well.

Discover and adopt your own system, one that turns your desires into reality and supports you in difficult moments.

What Can You Have Faith In?

I have faith because I have discovered that it is a powerful source of energy, and it has served me well, proving itself in thousands of ways in my life. Here are examples of things to have faith in based on my own experience:

  • Yourself: Each part of who you are has wisdom and knowledge you can use and apply in your life. I know this because I have used them and seen the effect.
  • The powers of the mind: They work so astoundingly and so consistently that one would have to be a fool not to notice the effects they produce. (And this is true not only of me but of millions of people who follow the Mind Power system through my books, CDs, seminars, and this website. It is a system that works for everyone when they apply it.)
  • Your inner voice: Intuition and dreams are great guides for life. And when you follow their guidance, you are well-served. This I have learned from experience.
  • The unknown, the unknowable, and the mystery of life: you do not need to know and understand the fine intricacies of life to have faith in it.
  • A higher power: Some believe in God. Others in the universe, or the Great Mystery. Have faith in a hierarchy of beings and dimensions that span far into eternity. You are a part of this grand and mysterious system, and an important part as well—important and insignificant at the same time. This paradox is at the heart of faith. It reminds us that we are both creators and participants in the grand design.

door into the unknown


When you resonate and vibrate with the energy of faith you are working with powerful energy. To know and understand how this works is to know and understand something great.

Faith is available to all who desire it, but it cannot be given to you. You must create and develop it yourself, and it must be built upon your own personal discoveries, not others’. It will work for you when you have faith in it, and it will be useless if it is not true and authentic to you. It must be your faith. A faith that is tested and used and found worthy.

Each of us is called to have faith in our own unique way, but not all of us heed this call. Rise to the challenge and utilize this great power and it will be of great service to you. When you possess faith, you possess one of the ten virtues, and much will be given to you from resonating with this energy.