Our subconscious is the most powerful and mysterious part of who we are. I have so much that I want to share with you about your subconscious; what I’m going to focus on in this article is the amazing ability that the subconscious has to interact with the energy web of all reality.
Your subconscious mind is connected to everything
Because our subconscious mind is connected to the energy web of the universe, we can work with our subconscious in very creative and innovative ways. Let me share with you an example of how an individual used the power of the subconscious:
In the early 1990s, out-of-work actor Jim Carrey used the power of a subconscious mind to become the famous and successful movie star that he is now. And he did it by writing himself a check. As a symbol to himself, he took out his checkbook and wrote a check for ten million dollars and he signed it and he said “for services rendered” and he put it into his wallet.
And then what he would do is every day he would take out that check and he would look at it. But he wouldn’t just look at it. He would imagine himself receiving this money for a movie. And he did this over and over again. Every day he would do this. And not only that, but he would say to himself, “I’m a fabulous actor. Everybody wants to work with me. I have lots of movie offers.”
Now, this wasn’t true. He wasn’t hardly getting any offers at all. But by doing this over and over again, he was imprinting directly into his subconscious. And then what happened is opportunities started opening up. And then five years later, he received a check for ten million dollars starring in the movie Dumb and Dumber. He was able to use his subconscious mindset to accomplish a goal.
Reprogramming the subconscious mind
Now, you have to understand this in the context of who Jim Carrey was: his talent as an actor, his comic genius, his work ethic, his determination to succeed, and the nature of the entertainment business. All of these played a part in his success. But what is indisputable is by reprogramming his subconscious mind in this way, he began attracting new agents, producers, scripts, and opportunities that made him the success that he is. And that’s exactly what you will do when you harness the powers of your subconscious mind. You will attract the opportunities you need to be tremendously successful.
Everything is vibrations of energy
Now, how does this work? How by simply imagining something in your mind and repeating it to yourself over and over again, how can that make it happen? Well, it’s simple: everything is vibrations of energy. Everything! Buildings are vibrations of energy. I’m a vibration of energy. You’re a vibration of energy. Our thoughts are vibrations of energy.
Now it appears that buildings are different from trees and I’m different from my wife and you’re different from your friends. And on one level, that’s true and obvious. But on a quantum level, on a subatomic level, everything is vibrating energy and everything is in communication with each other in the vibrating web of all reality.
We are all part of the greater whole
Modern physics sees the universe as a vast, inseparable web of dynamic activity. Not only is the universe alive and constantly changing, but everything in the universe affects everything else. At its most primary level, the universe seems to be whole and undifferentiated, a fathomless sea of energy that permeates every object and every act. It is all one. Scientists are now confirming what mystics and seers have been telling us for thousands of years: we are not separate from, but part of one greater whole.
The universe responds to your energy
To help us understand this, just think of algorithms in computer programming. For example, you might Google search a vacation in Greece and then what you notice is for the next couple of weeks, you’re getting advertisements for plane tickets and hotel offers because the algorithms know that you’re interested in Greece.
Now, listen to this. The universe is forever monitoring and responding to the energy of who you are. And what you want to do is learn to speak the secret language of the universe. And yes, there is a secret language of the universe, and that secret language is vibrations.
You have your own energy signature
Everything is vibrating energy, everything. I have a John Kehoe vibration of energy and it brings me my John Kehoe reality. You have a vibration of energy. Science calls it your energy signature. Everything has an energy signature. Everything has a vibration of energy. Earning ten million dollars for a movie is a vibration of energy. Success is a vibration of energy. And all your goals, everything that you want to happen in your life, has a specific vibration of energy. And so what we do is we begin to align with this vibration of energy.
Imagine yourself accomplishing your goals
Now, here’s a little trick: whatever it is that you want to have happen to you, what you do is you imagine in your mind that it already has happened to you. Not that it will happen, not that you’re very confident and determined, but that it already has happened.
Now, I’m not talking about living an illusion and hanging on to this for all day. I’m talking about a positive affirmation exercise that takes maybe two or three minutes. And during that two or three minutes, what you do is you imagine that you already have it. And what that is doing is that is imprinting into your subconscious that vibration of energy. And when that vibration of energy is in your subconscious, it attracts the people, the circumstances, the events, the synchronicity that makes it happen.
Let your subconscious do the work for you
It’s extraordinary! We get to imprint into our subconscious whatever it is that we want. All you have to do is instruct it very clearly on what you want to have happen. Imagine it in your mind as if it already has happened and repeat this over and over and over again, and it will find its way in the subconscious and then the subconscious does the work for you.
Imagine if your subconscious was working for you twenty-four hours a day, each and every day, and that’s what it will do. Our unconscious mind is our partner in success and all we have to do is connect with it. You know, even spending five minutes a day, you can connect with your subconscious, imprint into it, and have extraordinary things happen to you.
We reap what we sow
Think of your subconscious mind as incredibly fertile soil that will grow any seed you plant in it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are seeds that are being constantly sown. Just as corn kernels produce corn and wheat seeds produce wheat, the contents of your thoughts will have an effect in your life. You will reap what you sow; this is a law.
Your conscious mind is like the gardener that tends to the soil
It’s your responsibility to be aware of how this process works, choosing wisely what reaches the inner garden — your unconscious mind. For most, our role as gardener has never been explained. By not knowing this role, we have allowed seeds of all types – good and bad – to enter our subconscious.
The subconscious doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest success, abundance, and health just as easily as failure, ill health, and misfortune. Your unconscious mind accepts what is impressed upon it with feeling and repetition, whether these thoughts are positive or negative. It does not evaluate things like your conscious mind does. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you are thinking.
Once you understand that your subconscious will bring you what you need or desire, and you begin positive affirmation work daily to project thoughts and images of what you want, seemingly chance-events will start happening to you. To the untrained mind, synchronicity appears to to be coincidence or luck, but it is neither. It is simply the operation of the forces you have set into motion with your thoughts. This powerful inner collaborator, working with your conscious mind, will bring to you the people and circumstances you require to accomplish your goals.