In this blog post, you will discover how your thoughts create your reality and how you can leverage this profound connection to create the life you want.

Our thoughts have an inherent creative power that influences everything we experience. This unique capacity allows us to create wonders, from magnificent art to scientific breakthroughs.

Uncover the immense potential you hold within and learn to harness the power of your thoughts.

Let’s get started.

Brain flourishing on one side and decaying on the other

How Thoughts Create Your Reality

Everything we see and experience in our lives is a direct result of the thoughts we hold within our minds. Our conscious mind influences our subconscious mind,  which communicates with the energy web of all reality. This is where our power to manifest is.

Here’s how thoughts create reality:

Thoughts are energy.

Every thought we generate sends out vibrations into the universe. Every second of your existence, the energy of your thoughts is broadcasting into the vast, interconnected web of all reality. It’s like you’re constantly sending out signals to the universe, whether you’re aware of it or not.

The universe is responding to your thoughts.

The universe, in its infinite wisdom, is always listening, always tuning in to the unique frequency of your thoughts. And it responds. It reads the vibrational energy of your thoughts and, like a cosmic matchmaker, it brings into your life the very people, places, and circumstances that resonate with that energy. It’s as if the universe is working tirelessly to make your thoughts a tangible reality.

Emotion amplifies the power of thoughts.

A thought combined with strong emotion becomes magnetic and has a greater effect on reality. That’s why visualizations are so powerful for manifesting. When we visualize an outcome, we not only think about it but feel the emotions of having achieved it in the present moment, creating a stronger imprint on the subconscious mind.

Thoughts imprint on the subconscious mind.

The more you repeat a thought, the more it becomes embedded in your subconscious. This part of your mind is incredibly receptive and will adopt whatever you consistently feed it. Every time you think a thought, you’re essentially feeding your subconscious mind, guiding it toward the direction you want your life to take.

Thoughts shape beliefs and behavior.

The subconscious mind turns thoughts into beliefs to create your perception of reality. Personal experience often reinforces them. If your parents taught you that money is evil as a child, and you later met a few wealthy people who were arrogant, it confirms the story. The subconscious mind accepts it and it becomes a belief. Now, before you even speak to a wealthy person, you assume they’re rude. This belief then shapes your decisions, actions, and ultimately, your destiny.

Negative thoughts create your reality, too.

The subconscious mind doesn’t discriminate between positive or negative thoughts. It simply takes what you give it and works tirelessly to make it a reality. If you focus on problems, you invite more of them. If you focus on success, opportunities appear. This is a powerful law to understand. Every thought you have shapes your reality.

Now that you understand how your thoughts create reality, you may start to realize that by using your thoughts, you can create a life of abundance and infinite joy. Let me share with you how to use that powerful secret to manifest the life you desire.

Negative thoughts create reality too

How to Manifest Your Own Reality

Our subconscious mind can transform our lives. By consciously choosing thoughts that align with our desires, we can rewire our subconscious mind and create a powerful force that attracts the experiences we seek.

Here are a few practical steps to help you manifest your dreams:

1. Clarify Your Intentions

Clearly define your goals. Spend time to know what they are and that they are in line with your highest good. You don’t want to manifest something that once you have it, you decide it was a mistake.

2. Visualize Your Goals

Visualization is the process of creating vivid mental images that align with our desires, aspirations, and goals. It is a remarkable mental tool that has the power to shape reality and unlock the depths of our potential.

Visualization works by tapping directly into the power of the subconscious mind.

By repeatedly visualizing our desired outcomes, we imprint these images upon our subconscious, prompting it to seek opportunities and solutions that align with our visions. We ignite a chain reaction that brings our dreams to fruition.

This process heightens our awareness, allowing us to recognize and seize the opportunities that arise along our journey.

Consistency is the key to unlocking the full potential of visualization. To work, visualizations must become a daily habit. I teach students exactly how to do this in my 6-week Mind Power program.

3. Take Inspired Action

Manifesting our desires requires more than wishful thinking. It demands disciplined action and unwavering belief in the power of our thoughts.

If you think you can just sit on the couch and think positive thoughts, things will go very slowly.

You must go out and seek and find your destiny. Take action, seize the opportunities that will inevitably present themselves to you. Break down your goals into achievable steps and pursue them with passion, dedication, and unwavering belief.

4. Practice Gratitude and Affirmations

There is a secret hierarchy, and that is the things you give thanks for and have gratitude and appreciation for, the universe just showers more of that on you. It sounds like magic but it’s not. That’s just how it works. Try it for yourself.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for what you have and what you are yet to receive. Regularly affirm with positive statements that reinforce your belief in your ability to manifest your desires.

5. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Lastly, surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you. Engage in activities that nourish your soul and support your journey of self-transformation.

Person visualizing a new reality and using their thoughts to manifest

The Impact of Negative Thinking on Your Reality

The power of thoughts is a double-edged sword. Just as positive thoughts can shape our lives for the better, negative thoughts can have equally profound and detrimental effects.

When we think positive thoughts, focus on our goals, and cultivate an abundant mindset, we create fertile ground for positive experiences and opportunities.

But when we dwell on negative thoughts, doubts, and fears, we inherently invite negativity into our reality. Our thoughts then become shackles that confine our potential. They hold us back, stifle our progress, and prevent us from embracing the infinite possibilities that lie before us.

Hence the importance of reprogramming your subconscious mind to experience a more vibrant, fulfilling reality.

Now, if you’re ready to break free from the limitations of negative thinking and unlock the full potential of your mind, I invite you to join my 6-week Mind Power Training Program. This comprehensive course is designed to guide you step-by-step through the process of harnessing the power of your mind to transform your life. You’ll learn how to eliminate negative mind habits, cultivate a positive mindset, and align your thoughts with your deepest desires.

By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the tools and techniques needed to create the life you truly desire.


You have the power to shape your reality through the thoughts you choose to cultivate. Embrace the infinite potential that lies within you and manifest a life of joy, abundance, and fulfillment.

By consciously directing your thoughts, beliefs, and actions toward the life you desire, you step into your true power as a creator.

So, dare to dream big, embrace your inner innate powers, and unleash the extraordinary force within you. The universe eagerly awaits your command.

Let us embark on a journey of self-mastery, where your thoughts create the reality that you were destined to experience.

Get Lesson One of the 6-Week Mind Power Program for Free

Access a free 1-hour 20-minute lesson by John Kehoe, where you’ll discover how to harness the power of your mind for a happy and successful life. You’ll learn about the six laws of the mind, techniques for eliminating negative thinking, and daily exercises to unlock your inner potential.